Monday, December 2, 2013

Nick Vujicic (No legs,No arms,No worries)

Nick Vujicic Speech (Inspirational)

Hi everybody my name is nick vujicic.Nice to meet you everybody.I have a wheel chair their and its my BMW 7 series.I am going to take it to pimp my ride and get some spining rims on it.

So i have no limbs but i have a little chicken drum stick

Its so cool man i love to swim as well and i actually float like a life jacket upright.And its so funny when people see me first time . Its so cool .Kids freak out . You know what i am saying ? I tell you this little boy came up with me and he goes " what happened and i went up to him and ...."" cigar rates"

There was one girl who saw me and she goes " mommy look! its an alien!"

so i went up to him and said "raaarraararar" and she went ahhhhhhhhhhh you know.

and i am running after her saying " i am gonna eat you" freaking her out . So we my little foot i can write also.

You know i can play drums . Do u believe me ... I take the drumstick in my teeth .. hmm I am just joking anyway.

Hey i go to people and " can u plz give me your hand?" i'm just joking alright. but it was so hard because people put me down.and i started believing that i was not good enough i started believing that i was a failure.that i would never ever be somebody who people would like , people would accept.and it was so hard man i thought to myself .
"You know i cant go to the soccer field like everyone else" " I cant ride my bike and i cant skate board and all these sort of things . I started getting depressed. I thought  "what kind of purpose do i have to live" i meant are u here just to live to die.Is there not a purpose in life? And i had Question and no answers.and i ask my mom and dad why did this happen.I asked doctors why did this happen? They dont know.There are something in life and they are out of control that you cant change.and you have got to live with.

I tell you life is interesting life is failure and you got to live it with.

I love life. You know so many people say: “How come you smile so much?” And I’m like: “Well, it’s it’s it’s a long story”. (laughs). But it’s very simple at the same time. You see it’s very hard to smile sometimes in life, there are things that happen that you don’t know how long the storm is gonna be. And today, I wanna share with you some principles that I’ve learned in my life that you can use in yours.

You know, it is scary to know how many girl have eating disorders. It is scary to know how many people are just angry at life because of their situation at home, and angry at others. It’s scary to know how many people actually feel like they are worth nothing. Every single girl right here, right now, I want you to know that you are beautiful. You are gorgeous just the way you are. And you the boys: “You The Man”.  here is a link to the video speech by Nick Vujicic.

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