Thursday, November 28, 2013

How To Join The Biggest Football Clubs Like Manchester United

In this blog i will try my best to make you clear on How to join biggest football clubs in the world.

Many people have the same questions 
  • How can i get into a professional club's academy?
  • How can i get to join the biggest club in the world?

And the answer is......

There is no easy and fast route to becoming a footballer. It is extremely important that you develop your skill.
 The first step is to get involved with a team playing in good quality competition like national as well as international competition which is held in your country.This will help you to gain more confidence and skills as well as your fame and name that will later make you easy to go out of country for joining football academy's . For schoolboys, this would not only mean being in the school team, but also representing teams in your town, county, district, and even country. The main important thing here is to get selected in your country team . to get selected first u need to have record of game played,won. For this you have to get selected in a good football team of your country that will make u later get selected in your country's team .Good quality junior football is very helpful, especially in regions where organised schools football is not available. Playing with other top quality boys can only help develop your potential. If you are aged 15-18, you need to be playing at the highest level of football within your age band and with other good quality players.

After you get selected in a good football team,clubs in your country and if your name is in top list or if your name is famous then you will easily get chances to go outside in the real football world in the biggest football academy's.. that doesnt mean that you will get chance to play in the a grade club. first you have to go through "C" than " B " then finally "A" grade clubs..

Remember if u have passion you will have dream and that necessary to be in  a good football player.

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